Angelic Reiki®️ is an internationally accredited practitioner training which focuses on healing as a channel for the Angelic Kingdom of Light. You will learn how to channel Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers, how to facilitate past-life and multi-dimensional healing and so much more...
Usui Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing.It activates the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restores physical, emotional and mental well-being, while opening the patient up to it's spiritual nature.
Sekhem or Seichim is an Egyptian word meaning “power” or “might”. This healing art was practiced by the priests and priestesses of the high temples in ancient Egypt. A powerful feminine healing art that connects one to 'All That Is' through the activation of the heart.
With many Starseeds arising, Celestial REIKI is booming at present. It teaches how to tap into the universal life force energy and how to channel celestial energies such Angels, Archangels, Ascended Master and Galactic Beings.It also re-connects Starseeds to their galactic origin.